New Module: Coupons/Vouchers Management

Founder of QuickAdminPanel
March 10, 2017
Another new module has been released – now you can easily manage discount coupons and create campaigns. Let me show you how it works.
If you prefer video, a quick demo is here:
Basically, you have two CRUDs – Campaigns and Coupons, with a one-to-many relationship, so each coupon may (or may not) belong to one campaign.
In addition to basic CRUD functionality, there’s a logic of creating coupons automatically when creating a campaign. So you specify the number of coupons to be created, and they are generated automatically.
For now the coupon code is generated simply as an 8-number sequence, but you can easily change/extend that logic after downloading your panel.
So, login to your admin panel and try it out!