Select2 Dropdowns with Big Data: Load Options via AJAX + Laravel

Founder of QuickAdminPanel
In our QuickAdminPanel, we generate the dropdowns with Select2 jQuery library, which gives search capabilities.
But what if you have 1,000+ or more entries in that dropdown?
It could potentially even crash your browser when loading.
A better way then is to load the select options only when user starts searching for them, and dropdown would auto-complete the values. That’s exactly what we will build in this article.
Default jQuery code to transform regular select into Select2 is this:
$(document).ready(function() { $('.select2-dropdown').select2(); });
Then it would be applied to any tag with select class=”select2-dropdown”.
Now, to load options via AJAX, we need to do two things:
- Add some parameters to .select2() call, including URL for AJAX source;
- Create API endpoint that would be called via that AJAX, to return options data;
Example project
Let’s take an example project – database of offices, where each office is located in some city.
And we have 1,000 cities in our database:
Now, in the form to create an office, we have a dropdown for cities:
Here’s the HTML code for that dropdown:
<select name="city_id" id="city" class="form-control select2"></select>
And jQuery code:
$(document).ready(function () { $('#city').select2(); })
Now, let’s take Select2 AJAX Example and adapt it to our scenario, updated jQuery code would be this:
$(document).ready(function() { $('#city').select2({ minimumInputLength: 3, ajax: { url: '{{ route("") }}', dataType: 'json', }, }); });
The most important for us is AJAX URL: route(‘’). Let’s create that in Laravel file routes/api.php:
Route::get('api/v1/cities/search', 'Api\V1\Admin\CitiesApiController@search') ->name('');
Here’s the code for CitiesApiController.php:
public function search(Request $request) { $cities = City::where('name', 'LIKE', '%'.$request->input('term', '').'%') ->get(['id', 'name as text']); return ['results' => $cities]; }
As you can see, by default API request goes with ?term=xxxx, where xxxx is whatever you’ve inputted in the search box.
And results come as JSON-array “results”, with every result containint columns “id” and “text”, see this format:
{ "results": [ { "id": 1, "text": "New Vanfort" }, { "id": 8, "text": "New Iva" }, { "id": 14, "text": "New Traceychester" } ] }
Visually, then, you can choose the result like this:
And that’s it, your browser is safe – dropdown values will be loaded only when someone is actually searching for them!