Teams Multi-Tenancy: Add “Team Admin” to Manage Users

Founder of QuickAdminPanel
By default, in our Team Multi-Tenancy module, every member of the team sees all entries of their team, and team users are managed only by the system administrator. Customers were asking us how to add a new role of “Team Admin” to manage users of their own team. So we created a demo-project with a repository.
As a starting position, I assume that you have already generated the adminpanel with Multi-Tenancy module and chose “Team” multi-tenancy, not “User”.
Next, I will show you the actions in 6 steps, how to add “team admin”.
Step 1. Add new field in User model
We won’t add a new role to the existing ones (Admin & User), we will just add a field: users.team_admin – you can add it in QuickAdminPanel as a checkbox, or after download as “boolean” field in migrations and app/User.php.
Default should be false.
Schema::table('users', function (Blueprint $table) { $table->boolean('team_admin')->default(0)->nullable(); });
Step 2. User Model: Is Team Admin – Attribute
Let’s add another attribute to app/User.php that would check if user is system admin or team admin:
// That method exists by default in QuickAdminPanel public function getIsAdminAttribute() { return $this->roles()->where('id', 1)->exists(); } // That is new method public function getIsTeamAdminAttribute() { return $this->is_admin || $this->team_admin; }
After doing that, we will be able to check it from anywhere, like $user->is_team_admin or auth()->user()->is_team_admin. And we will do exactly that, in the next step.
Step 3. Menu: show Users for Team Admin
By default, only System Administrator sees Users Management menu item in the left sidebar. Let’s change it.
We will use the new is_team_admin attribute, see below.
@can('user_management_access') @if(auth()->user()->is_team_admin) <li class="nav-item nav-dropdown"> <a class="nav-link nav-dropdown-toggle" href="#"> <i class="fa-fw fas fa-users nav-icon"> </i> {{ trans('cruds.userManagement.title') }} </a> {{-- ... other sub-menu items --}} </li> @endif @endcan
Also, we need to allow user_management_access to all users then. So we need to edit database/seeds/PermissionRoleTableSeeder.php:
$user_permissions = $admin_permissions->filter(function ($permission) { return substr($permission->title, 0, 5) != 'user_' && substr($permission->title, 0, 5) != 'role_' && substr($permission->title, 0, 11) != 'permission_'; });
// Simple can't manage roles/permissions/teams, but can manage users now $user_permissions = $admin_permissions->filter(function ($permission) { return substr($permission->title, 0, 5) != 'role_' && substr($permission->title, 0, 11) != 'permission_' && substr($permission->title, 0, 5) != 'team_'; });
Step 4. Additional Security in Controller
Of course, it’s not enough to show/hide menu items. We need to make sure that non-team-admins wouldn’t access user management.
public function index() { // Old version: // abort_if(Gate::denies('user_access'), Response::HTTP_FORBIDDEN, '403 Forbidden'); // New version: abort_if(Gate::denies('user_access') || !auth()->user()->is_team_admin, Response::HTTP_FORBIDDEN, '403 Forbidden');
And you need to repeat that change in all of UsersController methods.
Step 5. User model is Multi-Tenant now
By default, users don’t have multi-tenancy but now they should. So we make these changes in app/User.php – see in bold:
use App\Traits\MultiTenantModelTrait; class User extends Authenticatable { use SoftDeletes, Notifiable, HasApiTokens, MultiTenantModelTrait; // ... other model's code
Step 6. User Create/Edit Form: Change Visible Fields
Finally, we need to change which role sees what fields in user form.
– Administrator can choose a role, team admin can’t (role is hardcoded as Simple User then);
– Administrator can choose a team, team admin operates only within their own team.
For that, we make changes in resources/views/admin/create.blade.php and same folder edit.blade.php. These are too big files to add here inline, so here’s a link to the repository commit.
See here – team administrator doesn’t see the role and the team choices.
And that’s it. By then, your Team Admin users will be able to add/edit other users of the same team.
Full code with repository changes: LaravelDaily/QuickAdminPanel-Team-Admin-Demo