Create Laravel Expense Tracker with QuickAdminPanel
Here is a video of how easy it is to create a Laravel project with QuickAdminPanel. As example, we will track our expenses by day and category, and will show dashboard charts with it.
How to Remove Laravel Passport and Make API Public
After we released API Generator with Auth provided by Laravel Passport, some of our customers were asking how to remove it, for some public API endpoints, which don’t require Auth. Here’s the article for you.
Laravel Login with Email or Username: Demo Project [+Github Repo]
We are starting to invest more into demo-projects of how to customize stuff in Laravel. In this small lesson – how to add username field to users table, and allow users to login with username.
How to (Easily) Change Date Format in All Laravel Project
Imagine your website has some date input field with date picker. And after you deliver full project, client comes back with request: “By the way, date format should be m/d/y”. Quite a big change in all forms, huh?
QuickAdminPanel API Generator with Laravel Passport
In our QuickAdminPanel, we had simple API generator for quite a while, we’ve even released its open-source version as a package. But the most often question from our customers was “how to handle authorization in that API?”. Today, we finally have an answer for that, with a new version release.
Top 5 Questions/Answers About Spatie MediaLibrary
Inside of our QuickAdminPanel generator, we use Spatie MediaLibrary package for file uploads. And our customers often ask as questions about it, so we decided to compile the most popular ones and answer them in one article. It can be useful for any Medialibrary user,…
Demo-Project: “Reviewer” Role to Manage Photos in Laravel
Today we will create a Laravel demo-project for reviewing photos, based on a real job from Upwork. Simple CRUD will be pre-generated with our QuickAdminPanel, and then I will provide step-by-step Laravel code instructions with roles-permissions, scopes etc.
Laravel Custom Validation Rule: Max Word Count
Laravel provides a lot of validation rules, but what if you need to add your own? We’ll show you how to do it, with the rule “max words count is 500”, and we will also make this 500 number as a parameter.
Laravel: Roles/Permissions for Individual Fields
Laravel has a great roles/permissions system out-of-the-box, based on Gates and Policies, and it’s usually used to access the whole menu item or some action, like create/delete. But what if you need to restrict a certain DB COLUMN from being edited? Like, for example, “published” checkbox for articles, that can be ticked only by Administrators, and not by Authors. Let’s see how to do it.
How to Customize View/Edit/Delete Buttons Column in AJAX Datatables
One of the often customization questions from our customers is about action buttons on Datatables. For every table, we generate three actions – View, Edit and Delete. How to customize them?