Change Notifications: Get Email on Important Changes

Founder of QuickAdminPanel
One of the most demanded functions in any admin panel system is getting notified on some important changes – like someone enters some data, or deletes an entry. From now it’s possible to generate in QuickAdminPanel – here’s how.
Introducing a new module called Change Notifications – available for Unlimited plan users. After installing the module, you will see a new menu item called Notifications. It will show you the list of your notifications, you can set up as many as you want.
So, here you can choose the user to send emails to, then CRUD to observe and what actions would trigger the email. For example, send email to user Admin when CRUD Expenses has new entry created. It’s that simple.
Notice: it won’t actually work in online version – we won’t send email to you, or on your behalf. But it will generate the necessary Observer files, so after you download your panel, you will get notifications.
If you prefer video, here’s a quick demo:
Just don’t forget to configure email sending!