One of the new features we are presenting for Agency plan customers this week is ability to have database migrations “clean”. Up until now, we were creating a new migration file for every change in CRUD – like field added/deleted/updated. Now you have another option.

Here’s an example how migrations look for a CRUD that was changed a few times:

As you can see, one migration file for each operation.

Migration 1. Creating a table

class Create1498418011ProjectsTable extends Migration
    public function up()
        if(! Schema::hasTable('projects')) {
            Schema::create('projects', function (Blueprint $table) {


Migration 2. Adding a field

class Update1498474322ProjectsTable extends Migration
    public function up()
        Schema::table('projects', function (Blueprint $table) {
            $table->foreign('author_id', '48197_5950e75241d23')->references('id')->on('users')->onDelete('cascade');

Migration 3. Removing a field

class Update1498474367ProjectsTable extends Migration
    public function up()
        Schema::table('projects', function (Blueprint $table) {
            if(Schema::hasColumn('projects', 'author_id')) {

In other words, if you add, modify and then finally delete the same column – you will have separate migrations for it. It may become quite messy.

Now, Agency plan customers will have a new separate folder – after downloading the panel, you have not only regular database/migrations, but also a new database/migrations/combined, which will contain only the migrations needed from scratch – to achieve the final result.


class CreateCombined1498418011ProjectsTable extends Migration
     * Run the migrations.
     * @return void
    public function up()
        if(! Schema::hasTable('projects')) {
            Schema::create('projects', function (Blueprint $table) {


So no mention of that field being added or removed.

From here you have a few options and flexibility how to run your migrations:

  • You can continue with “old style” migrations and don’t pay attention to new structure
  • You can use only “combined” migrations by copying them to the main folder

In other words, you have a separate folder of migrations which you may want to use.

We hope that this change will help you to keep your projects a little cleaner.