LaraQuiz is now open-sourced: create your own quiz sites easily!

Founder of QuickAdminPanel
December 27, 2016
A few weeks ago our team launched a new mini-project called LaraQuiz – for those who want to test their Laravel knowledge. Partly it was a showcase what can be generated with our QuickAdmin. Today we decided to put all the code on GitHub – feel free to create your own quiz sites.
For those who missed it – here’s how LaraQuiz works:
- Administrator manages topics, questions and their options – every question has up to 5 options with 1 correct
- Then everyone else can register and take a quiz which takes 10 questions randomly
- The result of the quiz is not only number, but also explanations and links to read more
- People can take quizzes multiple times – with possibility to draw the same questions randomly
Also, after you login or register – there’s a table with current stats in the system:
You can try to take a quiz at
And here’s a link to the code repository:
How to use the repository
- Clone the repository with git clone
- Copy .env.example file to .env and edit database credentials there
- Run composer install
- Run php artisan key:generate
- Run php artisan migrate –seed (it has seeded data for roles and admin user)
- Now you can login as admin: launch the main URL and login with default credentials – password
- Fill in the database with topics, questions and options
- For social login – fill in the credentials of your social apps in .env file
- That’s it – allow people to register and take quizzes!
We’re planning to launch more applications generated with our QuickAdmin, so stay tuned!