Generate Laravel adminpanel in minutes - try our QuickAdminPanel!

Author: Povilas Korop

How to use Laravel .env and .env.example files?

While working with a team and with different environments like local, staging and production, there are different settings for each machine. For that we have .env and .env example files. How to use them effectively?

7 business lessons after reaching 1000 QuickAdmins milestone

I love reading stories about startups and small businesses – how they started, what were first successes, failures and lessons learned. It turns out that now I can tell such a story! With our adminpanel generator QuickAdmin shifted from being a Laravel package to an online-generator business, there’s a ton we’ve learned within first four months – we’ve recently reached a 1000 milestone: that’s how many adminpanels were created with our online tool. So here are my two cents for you.