New module “Dashboard Widgets”: see latest CRUD entries after login
This new module in our online generator allows you to add newest entries to your dashboard. By default, if you create your admin panel, download it and log in, you will see empty dashboard with text “You are logged in”, like this: The idea behind…
Eloquent Relationships: The Ultimate Guide
Eloquent is a powerful Laravel ORM, and it allows to define relationships pretty easily. But do you know all about its functionality? Let’s check it in this ultimate guide, which will cover all types – one-to-one, one-to-many, many-to-many, and polymorphic relations. In addition to the…
File Upload in Laravel: The Ultimate Guide
File uploads are one of the vital pieces in most web projects, and Laravel has awesome functionality for that, but information is pretty fragmented, especially for specific cases. I decided to gather it all under one big articles, discussing the most painful tasks related to file uploads. Enjoy!
“It is unsafe to run Dusk in production.” – What to do?
Laravel has an awesome tool for browser testing called Laravel Dusk. And we have its Test Generator within our QuickAdminPanel, but a few customers encountered this error, so will try to explain how to avoid it and what it actually means.
New field type “Location”: pick address from Google Maps
We’ve just launched a new field type called “location”, it will allow you to save addresses and their latitude/longitude with help of Google Maps API.
New module: Import records from CSV into your CRUDs
We want to present to you another new module which were anticipated by our customers. Now you can not only Export records from Datatables, but also import them with a special button.
How to import CSV in Laravel and Choose Matching Fields
There are quite a lot of articles about how to import data from CSV file to Laravel database. But none of them touches the case of matching the fields from header to actual database columns, and sometimes we’re not sure what columns are passed in user’s CSV. So this tutorial will provide a broader picture on CSV import, with example project available on Github. Let’s go!
Example project: Event Invitation system in Laravel 5.5
Another project built on QuickAdminPanel is put up on GitHub.
Why you need AJAX (Server-Side) Datatables?
Our admin panel generator is using to present the tables. It’s perfect for small tables, but for bigger amounts of data it becomes slower. That’s why you need to go server-side.
Changing QuickAdminPanel theme: from AdminLTE to Gentelella
One of the most common questions from our clients is how to change a default downloaded admin panel theme. We use a mega-popular AdminLTE, but you may want to have your own style, and it’s fine. We will show you an example – how to…