Laravel API Documentation with OpenAPI/Swagger
As a part of our QuickAdminPanel, we also generate APIs. But your goal is also to provide documentation for front-end who would consume that API, right? OpenAPI (ex. Swagger) is a well-known standard for that. How to apply it to a Laravel project?
Laravel AJAX Datatables: Multi-Rows Cells with Images
When we say Datatables, we mostly assume it’s a table with data. Text-based data – like name, email, description, and buttons to edit/delete. But in reality, it’s more convenient to have more complex data in one cell. Let’s take a look at how to build it.
Laravel: How to Add Background Color to Datatables Columns
Datatables are powerful to list the data, but adding some colors would help users to visually filter data better. One of the most common examples is to view status of the record, with some background color. This article will show you how.
3 Ways to Delete User in Laravel: Block, Hide or Hard-Delete?
One of less-used functions in web-projects is ability for user to delete their account. In this article I will show three cases of how it can be done: block, hide and actually delete data.
Laravel /public Folder: How to Configure Domains for in Apache/Nginx
For new Laravel users, it’s often difficult to setup server and domain properly, especially with /public folder. This article will explain and try to help.
Laravel User Notifications: Send Immediately or Daily Digest
Laravel framework has great notification system that can be used to send emails, SMS messages or other types of notifications to users. But there’s other popular way to notify users – daily digest about the events from that day. In this article, I will show you a demo-project with both of those.
Demo: Transactions Datatables with Date Range Filter and Chart on Top
One of our customers asked how to add a date from-to filter on top of a default datatable. So we created a demo-project and here I will explain how it works.
Spatie MediaLibrary: Resize Original Uploaded Image to Save Disk Space
Inside of QuickAdminPanel, we’re using popular Spatie Medialibrary package to store media files. By default, it doesn’t do any transformation to the original uploaded file, but it’s very easy to change.
Generate SQL DB Schema Image with Laravel ER Diagram Generator
There is one package that does wonderful job – generates PNG image with your DB schema, from your Laravel models. It’s called Laravel ER Diagram Generator by BeyondCode company.
Laravel: How to Add New Registered User to Mailchimp List
Quite often after registration of new user we want to add them to our newsletter list. This article will show you how to do it with Mailchimp.