No More Manual Merging: Download Only Updated Files
I want to show you a new long-awaited function in QuickAdminPanel. But first – a problem: if you work on your project long enough and want to change a few things after download, you then have to merge the changes file by file. Not anymore.
NEW: Choose Your Front-end Theme!
A function a lot of users were asking for. From now you can choose a front-end theme for your adminpanel, we have three options for you.
New module: Tasks + Calendar
There’s a new QuickAdmin module – it allows you to manage tasks, like a to-do list, with also Calendar view included. Let’s take a look.
Less Clicks! Master-detail: see all related entries in one view
I proudly present to you another new function in QuickAdmin – again, demanded by our premium customers. In one-to-many relationships, it’s really convenient to see all related “child” entries while viewing the parent. Here’s exactly what we offer from now. Let’s take a look.
Blog Packages for Laravel: Nothing to Choose From?
I will be honest: this article was planned as “Review of Blog Packages for Laravel”. But after starting the research, I realized that there’s not much to choose from! Still, let’s look into some details and try to get an overview of this niche. So if you have a Laravel project and want to add a blog to it, what are your options?
10 Best Free Bootstrap Admin Themes 2017
We’re currently working on changing front-end themes for our QuickAdmin, so researched the market for already available adminpanel Bootstrap themes. There’s a lot to choose from – both free and premium, but for this article we’ve chosen the best ones that are available for free.
20 CodeCanyon PHP Scripts for Adminpanel-like Projects
Usually when we think about web-projects, we mean websites that consist of front-end view and back-end adminpanel. But there are other types of projects – I call them web-applications. In fact, you can treat them as adminpanel-only projects. This is a perfect case for our QuickAdmin, so we decided to search for more examples, and the best place for that is CodeCanyon scripts library. So here’s what we’ve found.
New module: AJAX Datatables – for large amounts of data
We are expanding our Modules section, and today we want to introduce a new module that has been asked for by our Premium users – it will help to work with bigger amounts of data and larger tables.
10 Best Laravel packages for multi-language and translations
Laravel framework has quite a simple localization function – you can put language translations in resources/lang folder. But it’s not convenient to edit them in the code, so there are many packages that help make this process more effective. Let’s review the most popular ones.
15 Phrases That May Kill Your Web-Project
There are words and phrases you totally don’t want to hear or read during your web-project creation process. I’ve decided to take the most painful ones and make a list – would you recognize any of these happened to you?