Stripe Payments in Laravel: The Ultimate Guide
Stripe is one of the most popular payment merchants for web, but information about Laravel integration is pretty fragmented, so I decided to write a really long tutorial about this topic.
Upgrade to Agency Plan
These are the benefits you get from upgrading to Agency plan.
List of 21 Artisan Make Commands with Parameters [Updated 2019]
Laravel has awesome set of artisan commands, probably the most often used are make:xxx – like make:model or make:migration etc. But do you know all 16 of them? And, moreover, do you know their parameters which may help to make the code even quicker?
System Calendar: add one or more CRUD sources to the calendar
Another new module in our QuickAdminPanel. Calendar is one of the most popular functions in web-projects, so we decided to build a function to gather your CRUDs data into one calendar.
How to download and install your Laravel admin panel
You can view Laravel files and download them at any time. Here’s a short video explanation. If you have any more questions, feel free to use our live-chat or email Overview: How does QuickAdminPanel work How to create CRUD menus How to create Relationships…
How to create Relationships between CRUDs
We have two types of relationship-fields: belongsTo and belongsToMany – here’s a short video of how it works. If you have any more questions, feel free to use our live-chat or email Overview: How does QuickAdminPanel work How to create CRUD menus How to…
How to create CRUD menus
Here’s a short video how to create CRUD menus. If you have any more questions, feel free to use our live-chat or email Overview: How does QuickAdminPanel work How to create CRUD menus How to create Relationships between CRUDs How to download and install…
Overview: How does QuickAdminPanel work
Overview: How does QuickAdminPanel work How to create CRUD menus How to create Relationships between CRUDs How to download and install your Laravel admin panel Here’s the usual workflow with QuickAdminPanel. 1. You register on our website and create a project – just choose a…
Soft-Deletes: now with Restore and Permanent Delete
When creating CRUD in QuickAdminPanel, you can tick the checkbox “Soft-deletes”, and it would automatically add th functionality of deleted_at to your model. But now we’re expanding this feature beyond just hiding soft-deleted entries. Now you will be able to view them and restore/delete.
Request a Laravel version upgrade for your panel
One of the requested features for our new Agency plan was ability to upgrade Laravel version for the admin panel and re-generate the code. So we’ve done exactly that.