New Module “Active User Filter”: Restricting Entries Only for Users Who Created Them
Another new long-awaited feature is filtering the entries by their authors, in other words – kind of a multi-tenant application where users see only the data they entered. Now we have a module for that! Let’s see how it works.
NEW: Add Child Records to Parent Create Form
Another step forward in our QuickAdminPanel – expanding the functionality of belongsTo relationship. Now you can choose to add “child” entries directly within a “parent” entry form. Here’s how it looks.
New: Show Extra Fields in Relationship Column
Another small but useful function in QuickAdminPanel – now, while choosing a belongsTo Relationship field type, you can choose to show extra columns from parent table in child’s list.
New Module: Registration for New Users
By default, our admin panel has User Management and ability to log in. But now you will be able to allow new users to register. With a few additional settings, let’s see how it works.
Tasks Calendar with Laravel + FullCalendar + QuickAdminPanel
Calendars are one of the most common functionality of data management systems. Let’s create a simple calendar of tasks with Laravel. It will be really simple – with a help of FullCalendar library and, optionally, our own QuickAdminPanel.
Log Your Laravel Model Data Changes With Observers
This article is an explanation of how module User logs works in our QuickAdminPanel, but you can use this logic without our tool. Basically, we want to log any change to any model’s data into a separate database table called user_actions.
What Are People Creating with QuickAdminPanel? [STATS]
After half-year of being on the market and after 3000+ registered users, we decided to dive deeper into what projects are actually being created by our customers and trial users. So here are some overview stats for you!
Social Login: Using Socialite to Sign In with Facebook/Google
New function in QuickAdminPanel is ability for your users to login via social network – Facebook or Google. Here’s how it works.
Change Notifications: Get Email on Important Changes
One of the most demanded functions in any admin panel system is getting notified on some important changes – like someone enters some data, or deletes an entry. From now it’s possible to generate in QuickAdminPanel – here’s how.
Introducing a new module called Change Notifications – available for Unlimited plan users. After installing the module, you will see a new menu item called Notifications. It will show you the list of your notifications, you can set up as many as you want.
New Module: Coupons/Vouchers Management
Another new module has been released – now you can easily manage discount coupons and create campaigns. Let me show you how it works.