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Author: Povilas Korop

10 Best Laravel packages for multi-language and translations

Laravel framework has quite a simple localization function – you can put language translations in resources/lang folder. But it’s not convenient to edit them in the code, so there are many packages that help make this process more effective. Let’s review the most popular ones.

15 Phrases That May Kill Your Web-Project

There are words and phrases you totally don’t want to hear or read during your web-project creation process. I’ve decided to take the most painful ones and make a list – would you recognize any of these happened to you?

Fixing stuff on live server is wrong? Not always.

Controversial topic I want to talk about. Among web-developers, there’s a rule of processes how things should be pushed to live version – they need to go through local testing, then staging server and only then deployed to live. Same even wiht production bugs – you need to reproduce them locally and only then properly fix and deploy. I believed that too, until started our QuickAdmin. Here’s our story.

NEW in QuickAdmin: Modules system

Today we’ve launched a new function in QuickAdmin called Modules. Basically, we’ve bundled CRUDs into modules which you can install or remove easily. Here’s a quick 2-minute video.

NEW in QuickAdmin: many-to-many relationships!

Finally we are launching a feature which was in the works for a long time. A lot of users requested many-to-many relationships and were waiting for them. So with our 1.0.3 version we’re ready for it!