Generate Laravel adminpanel in minutes - try our QuickAdminPanel!

Author: Povilas Korop

Showcase your panel to clients: give them “special” access

After working on your admin panel for a while, you probably want to show progress to the client. For that, you download the project, put it somewhere on your server and give the link to the client? You don’t have to do that anymore – we will provide a special collaborator access.

“Combined” migrations – even after many CRUD changes

One of the new features we are presenting for Agency plan customers this week is ability to have database migrations “clean”. Up until now, we were creating a new migration file for every change in CRUD – like field added/deleted/updated. Now you have another option.

Integration with Github/Bitbucket – no more downloading files after updates

Probably the most often question from our customers is how to update admin panel after downloading it, like if you want to add another CRUD or field. Today we’re presenting a “proper” way of handling it – uploading the updates to your Github or Bitbucket repository, available for Agency plan customers.

Announcing upcoming Agency plan and New Pricing

QuickAdminPanel’s journey so far has been incredible in terms of users and popularity, but the same topic appeared again and again – users were telling us that we’re charging too low. The time has come to move up the market and play “serious” game –…